
Earth Rewards FAQs

Earth Rewards FAQs

Where can I download the Earth Rewards app?

The app is available in both Google Play and the App Store. You’ll find it by searching for “Earth Rewards”. Create your account and start collecting your ERZ!

How do I earn Earth Rewards (ERZ)?

By completing the in-app missions and academies you can earn ERZ and very soon you’ll be able to earn ERZ when you shop with our retail partners!

What is a ‘Carbon Footprint’?

From  driving  cars to your mobile phone usage and shopping habits, greenhouse gases are either directly or indirectly pumped into the atmosphere through burning fossil fuels for energy. These emissions can be measured and the total is your ‘Carbon Footprint’.

Once I collect my Earth Rewards what can I do with them?

You can spend them within the app – 1 ERZ spent is balancing 1kg CO2e from your carbon footprint! You can decide when to save, use or share them to balance specific lifestyle activities that have a carbon impact. 

How are my Earth Rewards removing or preventing CO2e from entering the atmosphere?

When Earth Rewards are spent, we fund Carbon Offsets that represent progress made through our partner in the Amazon – The Trocano Project. The Trocano Project preserves the Amazon rainforest and its rich biodiversity of endangered species, preventing further deforestation and supporting the communities that call the rainforest home.

What is a Carbon Offset?

A Carbon Offset is a reduction in emissions in order to compensate for greenhouse gas emissions made elsewhere.
Carbon is both saved from entering and removed from the atmosphere through projects that conserve Rainforests such as The Trocano Project. This is by preventing deforestation which releases CO2 into the atmosphere and preserving the land so forests can grow to take in CO2 through photosynthesis.

My favourite shop doesn’t offer Earth Rewards, how can I get them on board?

We are constantly growing the list of retailers and brands we partner with and are always looking to connect with more. Therefore, if you want to get them involved then tell them about us, drop them an email, tweet or tag them and tag us too!

How do I collect Earth Rewards for my own environmental activities?

Right now there is no way to collect Earth Rewards for your own environmental activities. But in the meantime do what you can, for example, growing your own food, or cycling to work and we promise to get working on it, so stay tuned.

If you have any questions that we haven’t answered here in our FAQs, then please get in touch with us at Earth Rewards HQ:

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